Wednesday, August 31, 2011

No. Joke.

Man. It really hits you early on. That want to not go to class? That drive to just lay in bed forever and just not care. It's a little past week one and I'm just ready to sleep forever. To not care one bit and miss all my classes. Goodness....Has my positive thoughts disappeared so quickly? It's ok though. I'm pushing on. I know this should be just a little funk. For me, Tomorrow is the last day of my week and I can sleep forever...or at least until Monday comes around. I need to go focus on the long run. get through class tomorrow and try my hardest to be good about it. [attitude wise.] HMXP will be hard. Always has been. For those of you who have not one clue, HMXP is a class called the human experience: who am i? [can you tell why it's an irritating class for me?] It's also the last class of my day, which is quite sad and causes a lot of grumpyness on thursday afternoons. For now though, I have done my homework. finally. and I must force some rest for if not, I will most likely be grumpy and snappy in HMXP which is never nice. wish me luck? it's not even week 2 yet.... gah.

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