Monday, August 15, 2011

playing music

It's hard to keep reminding yourself, "jaw drop, loose lips, strong air, warm sound."

when you play or practice.

Today I played a lot of etudes. One from "Altes" [a book Jill requires all her students to have. >.>] one from "Tafnel" [that's the composer. no idea what it's real name is.] and one from "Burbegur" [probably spelt that wrong.]

Each worked on different techniques and aspects I need to work on.

Book one, on sound, air. On control and mouth. It's one of the more challenging parts of my practice.
Book two, on scales and accuracy. I try my hardest to pick up tempo and getting the notes correctly. Also on the way learning the sound differences in minor and major as well as muscle memory.
Book three, on speed as well as control of my mouth again. It's honestly quite hard but I think I can move on from this beginner's trouble by the first 2 weeks of school. I hope Jill notices my practice and my sound changes and is encouraged in my work to let me move on from where I am. Hopefully also get the ok to be more than a ok player to a decent player.

I do encourage any flute players reading this blog to buy the Altes book. [You can get it at flute world! :)] It's great to work on in many aspects.

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