Thursday, August 25, 2011

early morning updates~

Good morning Good morning.
I was waken up by my lovely roommate.....ugh. [that was all sarcasm]
I am feeling quite crabby this morning, I hate being woken up.
so showered and dressed, i'll be able to type up a update of school so far.

I auditioned for a placement in band not long ago. Made last chair....yet again. D:
Although yes, I did tear up a little about it and once again questioned myself, I am back to being positive about it and making the most out of it.
This is, honestly what you get for breathing funny as you play. I bet I sounded like a little kid trying to play a full sheet of music for the first time. >.<

Goal out of this experience?
To learn to at least control my erratic breathing when I audition. Get my nerves to chill out.

Right after the audition in general though, all the flutes, excluding one or two, went to a sushi place behind winthrop to eat and talk. :) [And secretly, Christine and I were recruiting some girls in flute.] Ashton is a sweetheart and I see her making it big time. The next Christine...but with Magan's personality. [It is odd that I classify people sometimes with others I know....isn't it?] Annalee is bright but full of worry [for no reason] but it will be interesting to know her! Abby is not a music major but I really do hope to see her face around more often. She's IMMENSELY talented and so good. Poor Steven is boy number two in the flute group and so awkward. Christine and I both are not sure how to handle this...the poor kid didn't even have his name up on the board for placement.

The freshman are collectively veryyy interesting and honestly a good group. It makes me a little excited just to play with them and hopefully get them to rush. Maybe I'll be the one learning from them. I guess my ego needs a backseat huh? :)

My theory and Aural Skills classes so far have been amazing. The teacher is Dr. Lewis and he is quite a enjoyable teacher. I feel comfortable and I think this year will be great. I will make it! Even if I sing 2x back to back on Mondays and Weds. D:

So far, I have made it to every class [YAYYYY] even my 8ams mostly on time. tuesday was a bit crazy....I confused my classes and underestimated my walk from roddey to the piano rooms. >.<

Piano I am a bit worried about. I was practicing it yesterday and I think it's going to be a while...

for now. this is all. I think I'll be making a video for this blog soon. filled with flute kids more than anything. :D

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