Sunday, September 4, 2011

Delta Omicron

Man. Today was the first meeting, it was quite informative.
Just a little update to those reading who may not know...
I am a active member [#29890] of Delta Omicron. It is a fraternity of music.
I know all of you who are reading this are going say wutttt frat? that means men only!! But D.O. is a membership of both men and woman for we are a professional group. ;)
It's how we get away with it. haha But here at Winthrop, we are all about being woman only mainly because of Phi Mu Alpha Sinforia. They are a social music-based fraternity, but they actually are a frat of men only.

 So in our sisterhood here at Winthrop, we are small but quite awesome. [For any Winthrop music major or minors reading this, join Delta Omicron! I promise it'll be the best choice ever.]
So far, I  feel so excited and a little better from any doubt I had before cuz I have an amazing music family here with me and I know for a fact I got my mommas back home for EVERYTHING else not school related. :)

 Just a lovely blog saying, even when you feel really down and tired and ready to give up, don't forget all those people who are behind you with every step. ;)

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