Wednesday, November 23, 2011


So It is about thanksgiving time and I just wanted to say happy thanksgiving!

Mine will be filled with re-learning major scales in a quick and speedy 16th note runs as well as learned ALL forms of minor scales just as quickly....who's excited?! yeah...not i.

Last lesson was one of those really rare good lessons where Jill was so happy and told me I played great and my sound was beautiful etc. etc.

It was really weird because she came by and gave me a hug last night before my concert and was like, "Keep playing beautifully. Keep that sound and you'll do great tonight."

Psh. we played stupid easy music. Like seriously Middle school music...It said so on the music. I'm giving our band director who issued the music to us some slack because this is her first semester as a college professor in general. But next semester, seriously if this does not change, we're gonna have some problems.

But yeah, Jill actually was quite emotional or something. It was weird.

My goals for thanksgiving break? Learn all minor scales at least. and get major scales at 112 using 16th notes. Also clean up movement one and two in my jury piece. [a vivaldi song.] and work out and decently play movement three.

Well. I hope my jury will go decently. I need as many As as possible this year! I'm alone in fixing this. No one else can do this for me, right? :) I can do it.

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