Saturday, November 26, 2011

goals met?

So I did as I promised and played my butt off during break so far. I played sooo much that my fingers shook after a while. Goals were mostly made, but not all sadly. :(

Goals met:
Playing the Jury piece [vivaldi] decently in movement three.
Worked out a few kinks in movement one.
Really made movement two beautiful.
Played major scales up to 110. [not quite I know, but better.]
Played etudes 2 notches faster

Goals not met:
Playing minor scales. :(

yeah, I know I probably could've made time for the minor scales, but I was being a slacker and also freaking out over my jury and worrying over if I still have my sound or not. I guess I'll find out this Monday if all my hard work was worth it.

The clock is running thin and I'm still freaking out over my jury piece. Will this happen every year? :/
Totally not looking forward to my senior recital...

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