Friday, November 11, 2011

first time ever

teaching a band class. ALONE.
not just flutes.
not just anything.
it was 7th grade woodwinds and it started rough and it ended great. :) I really liked it, but still, high school is the way to go. haha. I was like expecting fights and people not playing and I was freaking out. But it actually went smoothly. Flutes were all sorts of smug because I was teaching and they already knew me. It was adorable. haha. :)

It was a great experience and I'm excited for more.
In other news, My jury piece will be a Vivaldi piece that's....decent. I don't mind playing it so far. Let's just hope Jill doesn't get crazy with herself again.

In theory, I'm doing really well. Only a little bit confusing.

Piano is kicking my butt, but I'm fighting back!

Aural is about the same, singing well but dictation sucks. D:

Welp. There's your updates.

Also. I shall be a crappy, sleepless musician soon. Because A diet starts tomorrow....God help me. I love food too much.

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