Tuesday, November 29, 2011

end of the year is not happening fast enough


Sight reading can not be amazing. especially when you're on the spot in front of people.

That means don't yell at me please. :(

In other news, The best part of my day? My new pats jersey. :D

Saturday, November 26, 2011

goals met?

So I did as I promised and played my butt off during break so far. I played sooo much that my fingers shook after a while. Goals were mostly made, but not all sadly. :(

Goals met:
Playing the Jury piece [vivaldi] decently in movement three.
Worked out a few kinks in movement one.
Really made movement two beautiful.
Played major scales up to 110. [not quite I know, but better.]
Played etudes 2 notches faster

Goals not met:
Playing minor scales. :(

yeah, I know I probably could've made time for the minor scales, but I was being a slacker and also freaking out over my jury and worrying over if I still have my sound or not. I guess I'll find out this Monday if all my hard work was worth it.

The clock is running thin and I'm still freaking out over my jury piece. Will this happen every year? :/
Totally not looking forward to my senior recital...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


So It is about thanksgiving time and I just wanted to say happy thanksgiving!

Mine will be filled with re-learning major scales in a quick and speedy 16th note runs as well as learned ALL forms of minor scales just as quickly....who's excited?! yeah...not i.

Last lesson was one of those really rare good lessons where Jill was so happy and told me I played great and my sound was beautiful etc. etc.

It was really weird because she came by and gave me a hug last night before my concert and was like, "Keep playing beautifully. Keep that sound and you'll do great tonight."

Psh. we played stupid easy music. Like seriously Middle school music...It said so on the music. I'm giving our band director who issued the music to us some slack because this is her first semester as a college professor in general. But next semester, seriously if this does not change, we're gonna have some problems.

But yeah, Jill actually was quite emotional or something. It was weird.

My goals for thanksgiving break? Learn all minor scales at least. and get major scales at 112 using 16th notes. Also clean up movement one and two in my jury piece. [a vivaldi song.] and work out and decently play movement three.

Well. I hope my jury will go decently. I need as many As as possible this year! I'm alone in fixing this. No one else can do this for me, right? :) I can do it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


So most of my readers are Russian? Well ok. Thanks for reading guys. :)

Worked on my theory project. So far, I messed up on one small part, and had to be helped with 2 chords. I am suddenly understanding theory and doing well! I'm so excited to finish writing this piece and curious on how my composition skills will develop over time.

Maybe one day I'll compose a piece for Momma. ;)

Band is getting on my last nerve. We're playing middle school music that is not even slightly challenging and half of us are falling asleep! [Which is why half the time the song sounds horrid because we're not paying attention.] We're playing a new piece for middle school bands called "Hopewell" by Nicole Chamberlin and How the Grinch Stole Christmas, middle school level. And First Suite in Eb by Holst. [again.] It's all very annoying and a little insulting.

In other news. Practice is starting to kill my fingers and this diet idea was interrupted by violent puking from a stomach bug I got from the middle school I help teach at. >.> oh the joys of teaching?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

flute playing

My flute playing is super super slow. which is a major problem. and every time I try to build it up, it falls back down. Problems? HUGE. I need to figure out what to do to fix this. :/ 2 1/2 more years min. till I graduate....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

fall 2012

Is totally almost over. :)

Which means killer exam times.... :(

Is it summer yet?

gah. Next semester will be horrid. too.

Friday, November 11, 2011

first time ever

teaching a band class. ALONE.
not just flutes.
not just anything.
it was 7th grade woodwinds and it started rough and it ended great. :) I really liked it, but still, high school is the way to go. haha. I was like expecting fights and people not playing and I was freaking out. But it actually went smoothly. Flutes were all sorts of smug because I was teaching and they already knew me. It was adorable. haha. :)

It was a great experience and I'm excited for more.
In other news, My jury piece will be a Vivaldi piece that's....decent. I don't mind playing it so far. Let's just hope Jill doesn't get crazy with herself again.

In theory, I'm doing really well. Only a little bit confusing.

Piano is kicking my butt, but I'm fighting back!

Aural is about the same, singing well but dictation sucks. D:

Welp. There's your updates.

Also. I shall be a crappy, sleepless musician soon. Because A diet starts tomorrow....God help me. I love food too much.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Education Class

Are about THE. dumbest classes you'll ever take.
As interesting as it is to learn about how much smart my little sister And tori are compared to the average child, i don't need to know.

My student. is just a student who tries hard in school. She is not a subject. She is not an "it". She is not an idiot. I'm pretty tired of putting a packet together to point out areas she's not good at to make her seem dumb. It depresses me. If this is what a teacher does the first year, This is not gonna fly.

Positive note? Totally passing with at most a B in theory. :) win.