Wednesday, August 31, 2011

No. Joke.

Man. It really hits you early on. That want to not go to class? That drive to just lay in bed forever and just not care. It's a little past week one and I'm just ready to sleep forever. To not care one bit and miss all my classes. Goodness....Has my positive thoughts disappeared so quickly? It's ok though. I'm pushing on. I know this should be just a little funk. For me, Tomorrow is the last day of my week and I can sleep forever...or at least until Monday comes around. I need to go focus on the long run. get through class tomorrow and try my hardest to be good about it. [attitude wise.] HMXP will be hard. Always has been. For those of you who have not one clue, HMXP is a class called the human experience: who am i? [can you tell why it's an irritating class for me?] It's also the last class of my day, which is quite sad and causes a lot of grumpyness on thursday afternoons. For now though, I have done my homework. finally. and I must force some rest for if not, I will most likely be grumpy and snappy in HMXP which is never nice. wish me luck? it's not even week 2 yet.... gah.

Monday, August 29, 2011

well goodness it's been busy

It's about one of THE upmost key things you do as a musician.
You breathe.
So that's what I have been doing. I've worked on breathing alllll this week and hopefully my air will sound strong and amazing tomorrow in my rep/lesson. [first lesson and rep class of the new school year, i am nervous!]

Honestly, I'm not sure how well I'll be able to keep up this blog. this year is much busier than I thought it would be! D:

I am superr scared on what Jill will tell me tomorrow in my lessons....will she see progress in my work? Will she think I've worked on the wrong things and be disappointed?

I guess I'll find out tomorrow...

More blogging then, I promise.

g'night all.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

early morning updates~

Good morning Good morning.
I was waken up by my lovely roommate.....ugh. [that was all sarcasm]
I am feeling quite crabby this morning, I hate being woken up.
so showered and dressed, i'll be able to type up a update of school so far.

I auditioned for a placement in band not long ago. Made last chair....yet again. D:
Although yes, I did tear up a little about it and once again questioned myself, I am back to being positive about it and making the most out of it.
This is, honestly what you get for breathing funny as you play. I bet I sounded like a little kid trying to play a full sheet of music for the first time. >.<

Goal out of this experience?
To learn to at least control my erratic breathing when I audition. Get my nerves to chill out.

Right after the audition in general though, all the flutes, excluding one or two, went to a sushi place behind winthrop to eat and talk. :) [And secretly, Christine and I were recruiting some girls in flute.] Ashton is a sweetheart and I see her making it big time. The next Christine...but with Magan's personality. [It is odd that I classify people sometimes with others I know....isn't it?] Annalee is bright but full of worry [for no reason] but it will be interesting to know her! Abby is not a music major but I really do hope to see her face around more often. She's IMMENSELY talented and so good. Poor Steven is boy number two in the flute group and so awkward. Christine and I both are not sure how to handle this...the poor kid didn't even have his name up on the board for placement.

The freshman are collectively veryyy interesting and honestly a good group. It makes me a little excited just to play with them and hopefully get them to rush. Maybe I'll be the one learning from them. I guess my ego needs a backseat huh? :)

My theory and Aural Skills classes so far have been amazing. The teacher is Dr. Lewis and he is quite a enjoyable teacher. I feel comfortable and I think this year will be great. I will make it! Even if I sing 2x back to back on Mondays and Weds. D:

So far, I have made it to every class [YAYYYY] even my 8ams mostly on time. tuesday was a bit crazy....I confused my classes and underestimated my walk from roddey to the piano rooms. >.<

Piano I am a bit worried about. I was practicing it yesterday and I think it's going to be a while...

for now. this is all. I think I'll be making a video for this blog soon. filled with flute kids more than anything. :D

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

it's been a while

This will not be a long post. just explaining...
I haven't had internet in a while. D:
I promise I will post a lot more soon. maybe not tonight....8am classes call me. D:

but a short talk?
A. First day was great.
B. I feel like I will have a little this year and it will be rockin.
C. I feel positive even if I made last chair again. weird, huh?

Monday, August 15, 2011

playing music

It's hard to keep reminding yourself, "jaw drop, loose lips, strong air, warm sound."

when you play or practice.

Today I played a lot of etudes. One from "Altes" [a book Jill requires all her students to have. >.>] one from "Tafnel" [that's the composer. no idea what it's real name is.] and one from "Burbegur" [probably spelt that wrong.]

Each worked on different techniques and aspects I need to work on.

Book one, on sound, air. On control and mouth. It's one of the more challenging parts of my practice.
Book two, on scales and accuracy. I try my hardest to pick up tempo and getting the notes correctly. Also on the way learning the sound differences in minor and major as well as muscle memory.
Book three, on speed as well as control of my mouth again. It's honestly quite hard but I think I can move on from this beginner's trouble by the first 2 weeks of school. I hope Jill notices my practice and my sound changes and is encouraged in my work to let me move on from where I am. Hopefully also get the ok to be more than a ok player to a decent player.

I do encourage any flute players reading this blog to buy the Altes book. [You can get it at flute world! :)] It's great to work on in many aspects.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

2011 audition!

...the first piece of music you see is the last sheet...

2011 audition for flutes.

so far, I'm a little shakey but more because of the thought of not being good enough. I'm aiming to be 1st chair in symphonic or have a chair in winds. :) winds is the best band to get into i guess is the best way to explain the difference.

Technically, I should have started this a year ago...

Hello anyone who may, may not come across this...
I honestly should have started this much longer than a year ago. maybe more like since 10th grade or so when I felt the need to pursue my hopes as a flutist and a band director.

Long ago I started blogging to get my thoughts out and not keep them locked in. I just ended up making it public. I never realized how many people may or may not read blogs. I was guessing maybe 10 at most in one year. one or two people who are closest to me that really read almost every one.

Now this one is to really record what goes on in my mind as I try to get through college as a Music Education major [totally not as easy as it sounds] and hopefully teach in South Korea!

Last year was horrid. I didn't have the slightest clue on what I was getting into and where to start, how to really study for anything, how to even be social with the people who could help me! So here's a little run down of it all.

First semester, I came in scared as all get out and with very little theory knowledge and ZERO Aural skills knowledge. [to those who do not know, Aural Skills is a course that teaches you ear trainning, how to listen and name pitches, melodic patterns/rhythms, and hear differences in intervals of notes.] [ALSO! Theory of music, aka what music really is or the technical aspects of it all] I some how and strangely to me made it into the first set of actual classes and skipped basic classes of them....God only knows how...I guess on that test so much! I knew I was going to fail out not only because of the horrid grades, but A.) No textbooks to study out of or do homework [10% of your grade! sometimes 15%!!] and B.) I didn't understand anything the professors said after the 2nd week.

Freak out times? very much so yes.

2ND Semester. same deal, but more books. still not enough. [I have money problems.] now to top it off, I felt like THE WORST flute player of all time. The kids who play with me are quite amazing. I have stage freight a bit badly and tend to shake a lot whenever I'm being judged. I'll admit it. I cried ALOT this past year. I almost got less than a 3.0 for the whole year losing scholarships.


I am fully a member of Delta Omicron. A sisterhood at my school of musicians. They already have helped me big time, and I do plan on taking advantage of their study sessions and other help they offer! :) Great group of girls. And I have an amazing Big Sister. ;)

This year I already am fully prepared and have already started studying what I remember from last year. I have old tests that I plan on redoing before classes start next week and seeing if I understand any better now.

For once, I am truly excited yet very very nervous.

I will not promise this blog will be happy and hopeful 24/7. But I do promise to be honest.

My goal this year is to pass Theory and Aural 1 with an A! I will make it. ;)