Monday, October 10, 2011

Alto Flute

So I know I'm suppose to be a flute player and all...but I'm not feeling it anymore.

I kinda blame Jill for letting me pick up the alto flute...

It's the only instrument I practice so much. I seriously have a callous on my finger from playing...

I think this is a bit of a problem. Mainly because there's no such thing as a alto flute major in education OR performance.

Time to many flute more interesting and not so much of a hassle....not sure how to do that just yet...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

This is my very good friend Christine. I just wanted to let the world hear her when she's at her worst. Her Senior Recital [well a part of it] will be uploaded as well as time goes by.

Notice how amazingly dark her sound is. :D I want a sound pretty dark after hearing her play.

Also. She changed her embouchure THIS year because of a serious jaw problem she created by playing flute too much. yeah. I said it. you can play your flute too much. :o